Monday, October 19, 2015

Thoughts!!! How quickly they can take a moment of life and turn it around. The morning is feeling wonderful! Just moving along in a groove and beginning a wonderful day!
 ENTER A THOUGHT: I wonder why (my partner, mother, sister, brother, child, boss/ take your pick) doesn't tell me how much they appreciate me for all I do for them.
YOUR MIND ADDS TO THE THOUGHT: It has been such a long time since I have heard anything supportive from them.
YOUR MIND ADDS ANOTHER THOUGHT: I bet they don't even see all the many things I bust my buns to do all the time! Really! They are so blind and maybe they/he/she doesn't even really think I am valuable at all or even really love me!

Looking at the clock you then realize you are behind and not going to get all the things together for the next scheduled part of your day. You hurry to throw things into a bag or briefcase. Don't even have another moment to spare! Walking out to the next thing in your day you feel OK, and yet not as great as when you were in that groove.

Thoughts come!!! It is how we move with them and how much we are invested in believing them, feeding them or observing and noticing them. We have a choice in each moment to feed the thought or allow it to come and go without engaging. When camping in wild areas we see signs that say:
PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE BEARS.  The reason being if we feed them they will return and be more demanding and relentless for food.   I have often thought it would be helpful to put up signs in my world-  PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE THOUGHTS!!  AS THEY WILL RETURN AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!

I have clients who name their thoughts Bus #22 or Airplane 707, they let them go on by not stepping on board, Sometimes the bus or plane comes around for another try, just to see if you will engage. I have noticed that how deeply invested I am in the thought keeps me participating in this dance. The GOOD NEWS is as you allow the thought to pass by it becomes less powerful. When you become the observer of thoughts, the dynamic of your life changes. Life becomes a journey of freedom and truth about what is really going on in your relationship with yourself and others at home and in your outer world. Take a step toward you and away from allowing thoughts to rule your world!

Happy Observing,


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