"Don't just do something, sit there." a page title from a book by one of my beloved teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh (Tic Nat Han) "How to Sit". A different twist on the age old saying I have heard people say in my life,"Don't just sit there, do something!" In other words act now, you must move, don't waste time, get things done etc., you have heard them and could maybe add a few.
I offer another view to ponder! Find a place outdoors or in, sit and breathing in and out, look at where you are, allowing the sense of the place to become part of you. At the end of a very long day, images, thoughts, ideas may be moving through you mind's eye so fast you cannot think any longer, sadness and grief may have come to visit, or a decision you must make is making you feel completely overwhelmed. We often act from this place and wonder why we are stressed and worn out!
I love opening and finding other ways! Here is a chance to start building a strategy you can count on to slow you down and bring you to a place of calmness, feeling support from within, and receiving nourishment. I encourage myself and my clients to make this the top priority on my to do list, right next to gratitude. Being aware of your breath periodically all day long and then finding the time and place to sit, changes the way we receive life around us, brings our nervous system a much needed break and helps us find true freedom and power.
I know you have heard this before and is it really true? Yes, it is true. Recently I attended a wonderful workshop, the Naturopathic Doctor said, " If meditation and visualization was a pill that a doctor could write out a prescription for and give to a patient, they would all be doing so."
Give yourself a prescription to sit, breathe and find the place to push the pause button. You will be glad you did. The results will be your reward!
Blessings and Happy Sitting,
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