Thursday, August 6, 2015

I am so pleased to have a place for expressing heart centered thoughts and tools for living and thriving on life’s journey. For many years I struggled to find ways to move through challenges, surprises, and changes. I have been blessed to meet many great teachers along the way. The gifts I have gleaned from their teachings have served me greatly over the years. 

Here you will find tools that absolutely work for me and for so many of my clients and the inspiration to move through life with grace, laughter and compassion.

My hope is to create a place of love, understanding and joyful expression. Please type your ideas and responses.
I welcome your comments below.



  1. Congratulations Bobbe on your new website. It's so nice to be able to see your thoughts and expression in this way. I look forward to more musings! Rebecca

    1. Thanks Rebecca! I am looking forward to sharing with others and hearing their responses. There are so many wonderful people in this world who are learning and growing each day.
