Friday, August 7, 2015

Is there someone in your life who is not responding the way you would like? It could be in your work place, home life or just a person you have a chance interaction with in your day. When this occurs our first thought or impulse might be to want the other person to get it and realize how they are impacting us. Right? They should be treating us differently, be responsive, be kind, have understanding. You might be shaking your head, Yes!!
 After many years of often reacting in this manner, I finally realized something so clearly. I asked myself what did I really want? What was I looking for? I wanted responsiveness, kindness and understanding. So I started first to give myself these things I wanted from others. It took some time and patience to take care of me first! Being Still with myself helped so much. In the stillness I found thoughts are not as fast, furious and critical. From Byron Katie, my favorite teacher, I have learned that thoughts come into our minds, they appear and we have a choice. They come and I can pick and choose the ones I want to connect with and the ones I can let go. When I am in my center, present and listening, suddenly other people have the space to follow or I realize maybe they will never follow and that is OK!  

Blessings and Stillness,

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