Saturday, December 12, 2015

As the world's current events happen around us, confusion, fear and inhumanity seem ever present. In these times my practice of seeing a larger picture of the universe I live in brings a perspective of hope, understanding and truth.

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops in the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." Mahatma Ghandi

Finding the silence within! Remembering with each breath the ocean/universe in which I exist includes so much more than my physical body. The rekindling of this deep connection brings me to balance and understanding beyond what my eyes and mind see.
Gratitude is my guide, breath is my vehicle and Love is the fuel.
May our continued practice of presence lead us to bringing more expansion to the whole and understanding to calm fears renewing Love in the hearts of those we touch each day and beyond.

Blessings and Love,


Monday, December 7, 2015

For the raindrop, joy is in entering the river---
Unbearable pain becomes its own cure.

Travel far enough into sorrow, tears turn to sighing;
In this way we learn how water can die into air.

When, after heavy rain, the stormclouds disperse,
Is it not that they've wept themselves clear to the end?

If you want to know the miracle, how wind can polish a mirror,
Look:the shining glass grows green in spring.

It's the rose's unfolding, that creates the desire to see---
In every color and circumstance, may the eyes be open for what
comes.          Ghalib (1797-1869)

As I learn from the children in my life. The gift I see is them being the raindrop, moving through the tears, embracing the miracle and living in the moment.

 Thank you for showing me the joy of living and feeling. I want to remember how easily I once also responded to life in that manner. Don't give up on me when I get stuck in my mind and the business of my "important" life and forget who I truly am!! Remind me gently to smile and breathe, sometimes I miss the sweetness of the simplicity of jumping, laughing and stomping in mud puddles.



Wednesday, October 21, 2015


The power of gathering in a circle of friends and family to support the challenges and transitions in our lives was brought to my attention, once again, as I attended one recently. The group was small,  only five women. They came together in support of one of the women, who is facing a very big shift in her life on many levels.
 We gathered in a circle, with a blazing fire at the center, each woman brought a blessing or offering. The place was adorned with a dozen of the most gorgeous roses, tea lights on the perimeter, fresh raspberries, bubbly water in an elegant glass, and a beautifully decorated chair for the woman to share her journey thus far.
A lovely song brought the circle together, followed by simple words of gratitude from each woman. There were moments of quiet with only the fire crackling as the backdrop, which brought all in the circle to a deeper connection. Wonderful poems with words reminding all participants of the richness, despair, excitement and acceptance life brings. The powerful moment came as all present listened when the honored woman shared her feelings, thoughts, stories from the past and focus for the future. Some of her writings and images were burned in the central fire as the process of letting go unfolded and an invitation for more healing and expansion was invoked. Each woman stepped forward and blessed their powerful friend with words from the heart and cleansed her hands and face with a cloth of warm rose water.  Feeding her raspberries helped bring awareness of the sweetness surrounding her as she walks into this challenge. The evening was completed with songs and simple gratitude for the chance once more to be together. Each woman returned to her life with a bit more power and connection to each other and the source that holds us together. The incredible depth of love and understanding for all in the circle and especially the woman facing the challenge was undeniable.

A simple space, words of truth, gentle touch, songs from the heart and gratitude. Ceremony is something we know in our hearts and souls, handed down from generation to generation until it was somehow lost and only just remembered in our longings.

 When you have leaps and challenges you are facing in life, maybe you can tell one person a bit of what you need. If you tell them clearly and ask for support you might find yourself around a fire, or table, by a river or under a tree having a simple ceremony of sharing, blessing and understanding. Anything is possible!! This I know deep in my bones!



Monday, October 19, 2015

Thoughts!!! How quickly they can take a moment of life and turn it around. The morning is feeling wonderful! Just moving along in a groove and beginning a wonderful day!
 ENTER A THOUGHT: I wonder why (my partner, mother, sister, brother, child, boss/ take your pick) doesn't tell me how much they appreciate me for all I do for them.
YOUR MIND ADDS TO THE THOUGHT: It has been such a long time since I have heard anything supportive from them.
YOUR MIND ADDS ANOTHER THOUGHT: I bet they don't even see all the many things I bust my buns to do all the time! Really! They are so blind and maybe they/he/she doesn't even really think I am valuable at all or even really love me!

Looking at the clock you then realize you are behind and not going to get all the things together for the next scheduled part of your day. You hurry to throw things into a bag or briefcase. Don't even have another moment to spare! Walking out to the next thing in your day you feel OK, and yet not as great as when you were in that groove.

Thoughts come!!! It is how we move with them and how much we are invested in believing them, feeding them or observing and noticing them. We have a choice in each moment to feed the thought or allow it to come and go without engaging. When camping in wild areas we see signs that say:
PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE BEARS.  The reason being if we feed them they will return and be more demanding and relentless for food.   I have often thought it would be helpful to put up signs in my world-  PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE THOUGHTS!!  AS THEY WILL RETURN AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!

I have clients who name their thoughts Bus #22 or Airplane 707, they let them go on by not stepping on board, Sometimes the bus or plane comes around for another try, just to see if you will engage. I have noticed that how deeply invested I am in the thought keeps me participating in this dance. The GOOD NEWS is as you allow the thought to pass by it becomes less powerful. When you become the observer of thoughts, the dynamic of your life changes. Life becomes a journey of freedom and truth about what is really going on in your relationship with yourself and others at home and in your outer world. Take a step toward you and away from allowing thoughts to rule your world!

Happy Observing,


Monday, October 12, 2015

Days come gently, softly touching us as the darkness of night  unwraps its grasp and reveals once more the treasure of light. Memories of sitting by a fire all night and witnessing the beauty of the birth of a new day fill me with wonder at the gifts I am given continually without having to do anything to receive them.

 Being human on this planet gives me so many opportunities to receive treasures. Just the other day I was gifted a wonderful walk in the rain with my daughter and grandson. We did not have to buy a ticket for this "walk in the rain", nor did we plan ahead to experience this gift. We just walked to our destination together and the gift came right on time! The conversation while walking back home in the sudden rain was priceless. "Do you know Nonna if you were thirsty and didn't have a water bottle and it was raining like this you could just open your mouth and drink all the water you want until you were not thirsty anymore?"   Seven year old wisdom comes from an uncomplicated place. It just appears naturally out of observing and noticing. Moments like this are the diamonds of life dropped into the pockets in our hearts on a chance walk on a rainy day. Oh! the treasure we can mine in life when we begin to become a bit less complicated.

I am noticing how sweet it feels to simplify, observe and be grateful for the small things in my life. It is a practice I have not fully graduated into embracing in every moment, and yet one that I love  welcoming to be at the forefront. I am changing my stories about the problems and burdens of life. In the midst of whatever my mind brings to chew on there are also treasures to receive. and I am delighted to be present more often to say Yes to these gifts. My heart feels lighter remembering that darkness is always followed by the light!

Blessings and simple treasures to you,


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Looking at the beautiful reds, gold and orange colors the trees are bringing to my attention everywhere I go these days, I am reminded of the shift that is happening once again. Mother nature letting us know change is happening! Change is something we all experience consistently in our lives. It can be something that makes us very uncomfortable. Do you think the tree starts worrying about the beautiful green leaves changing color in October at the end of August? "It is just too soon, I'm not ready yet to change to red. You know what a big adjustment that is for me every year."  or how about this "What do you mean I am going to lose all my leaves! I am not prepared for that to happen!" This sounds pretty silly!  Yet change in nature is happening all around us and teaching us to adapt and notice what is occurring and how natural the flow of change can be. Also how quickly a gusty fall wind can swoop in and take all but a few leaves from a tree!

Worrying about the future and being immobilized by the thoughts of how and what might happen or that it will happen too soon, brings stress to a situation which may never actually happen. We see this kind of thinking modeled all around us everyday. "What if's" are easy to find in most situations. Many learn to think that worrying about a person we love is a form of loving them. We think worry thoughts are normal and they really aren't. They certainly are thoughts and get our attention. Worry comes from our fears. False Evidence Appearing Real! We convince ourselves through believing our stories and we are so good at adding to the stories with more thoughts.

Go through a day and start noticing all the little changes you are experiencing all day long. This is a great exercise to see which ones make you uncomfortable, which don't bother you at all, or maybe they all bother you at varying degrees. You will get to see the level of your ability to shift and roll through transitions and changes. I like to do this to see how many changes can happen in a day before I start to really feel irritated and not able to deal with them. When I have reached my threshold, I usually try to sit and meditate or stop and relax with a few breaths.

 Can you imagine if everything in nature reacted the way humans react to situations?  It would be quite an experience for us to be the receiver of the fear and confusion we project. I wonder if the animals, trees, mountains, streams, oceans had a voice what would they say about all the stress and worry we send out into the world each day. Projecting balance and harmony could be a gift to yourself and those in your life. Change is definitely something we can count on to show up! It is a great teacher!

Breathe, Pause and Be Still,


Friday, September 25, 2015

"People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Everyday  we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child--our own two eyes. All is a miracle.  Thich Nhat Hanh

What miracles are you seeing today, right now, around you, outside your window? Do you really walk on this earth and in your life each day?  Are you in a story of past mistakes, lost chances, regrets and more? Maybe you are worrying about the next day, what will happen when you are 55, or will I make it to the next promotion. The pattern of suffering is one of our greatest challenges in this life we are navigating. This challenge does not care how much money you have, how beautiful you are, whether you have an education from a great college, what your credentials are, or what kind of place you live in. Suffering is passed down from generation to generation. The mind/ego thrives on ideas that cultivate suffering. We are so used to this way of viewing the world, it becomes difficult to find the gifts, the miracles as Thich Nhat Hanh calls them. Yet they are all around us in every moment if we pause and notice. The grace that brings these miracles comes softly with each breath, in the quietness of a gentle pause. Looking deeply into the eyes of some one we love, hearing a bird outside our window,  leaves floating down from a tree, water gurgling in a creek are all signs of the miracle around us. Yes, the mind wants us to remember all about Our Problems. It is a persistent and diligent task master, until it isn't anymore.  Until it is gently replaced periodically by the small miracles waiting to be seen, that bring smiles to our heart and beauty to our eyes.

Enjoy some miracles today!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Don't just do something, sit there."  a page title from a book by one of my beloved teachers, Thich Nhat Hanh (Tic Nat Han) "How to Sit". A different twist on the age old saying I have heard people say in my life,"Don't just sit there, do something!"  In other words act now, you must move, don't waste time, get things done etc., you have heard them and could maybe add a few.

 I offer another view to ponder! Find a place outdoors or in, sit and breathing in and out, look at where you are, allowing the sense of the place to become part of you. At the end of a very long day, images, thoughts, ideas may be moving through you mind's eye so fast you cannot think any longer, sadness and grief may have come to visit, or a decision you must make is making you feel completely overwhelmed. We often act from this place and wonder why we are stressed and worn out!
 I love opening and finding other ways! Here is a chance to start building a strategy you can count on to slow you down and bring you to a place of calmness, feeling support from within, and receiving nourishment. I encourage myself and my clients to make this the top priority on my to do list, right next to gratitude. Being aware of your breath periodically all day long and then finding the time and place to sit, changes the way we receive life around us, brings our nervous system a much needed break and helps us find true freedom and power.
I know you have heard this before and is it really true? Yes, it is true.  Recently I attended a wonderful workshop, the Naturopathic Doctor said, " If meditation and visualization was a pill that a doctor could write out a prescription for and give to a patient, they would all be doing so."
Give yourself a prescription to sit, breathe and find the place to push the pause button. You will be glad you did. The results will be your reward!

Blessings and Happy Sitting,

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I felt a crispness in the air tonight as I was walking before dinner.  There is a chill which presents itself as the sun fades and night slips into position, bringing my awareness to the seasons shifting once again. When I pay attention I can feel that the tiny shifts began several weeks ago.
 As in the seasons, so in life I can look back at my day, my week, my year and notice the shifts and movements.I begin to be aware of moments and my choices, which ones worked and how some did not. Doing so from a place of openness, curiosity and learning gets me in touch with the rhythms, music and patterns to my life.
Just before I close my eyes and move into sleep mode, I gently review my day, breathing in and out deeply and relaxing into the moments I enjoyed, interactions that were productive, places where I was more present and places that need some tweaking. If I have something that is still bringing me uneasiness, I try to not linger on it, just notice it and feel the feelings as I breathe in and out, relaxing and not trying to problem solve in that moment.  Breathing and relaxing into each breath! I begin to send gratitude to the day, the people, places and all creatures and elements in my life. Next I hold the next day in my heart and mind, seeing it laid out before me, not every detail, just an over view of the next day. I send gratitude to the coming day and already see it moving easily and gently as the new people, places, elements and creatures bring their gifts. Breathing in and out I am now ready to slip into the dream space knowing that my intention is for restfully sleep, dreaming/or not and awakening refreshed, grateful for another day.
We have the power to create ways to help our lives move more smoothly and bring more of the peace and harmony we are searching to find. The power of visualization and intention is at our disposal in every moment. Taking advantage of these incredible tools. Create more space to live and thrive!
Blessings and Gratitude,

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The beauty of living the human experience is the ability to be touched by something as simple and exquisite as a red rose opening perfectly with softness you can see and feel even before you dare to touch one petal, voluminous clouds floating in a sea of blue sky, or a tiny hand grasping your finger for the first time. Moments in life can go from sweetness one moment to deep depression, resulting in despair and even loss of hope. Being able to navigate these fluctuations in day to day life is a most important focus for me.
Finding the balance of seeing the sweetness and the challenge from a place that has depth, strength and softness. Begin by creating an office, home, car and even clothing or purse/briefcase with beautiful colors, textures, patterns, and pleasing sounds. The Chinese know all about this way to bring balance with the ancient art of Feng Shui. Choosing foods that bring my body health and vitality. Eating foods cooked simply, grown without chemicals or pesticides, meats from animals that are being raised with kindness and good nutrition, greens, vegetables, good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, fermented foods like homemade or plain yogurt, kefir, kombucha, bone broths and water from a good source. Exercise is extremely important to keep your body supple and your heart and nervous system strong. Sleeping in a good comfortable bed with enough rest each night to balance your daily routines.
Pausing frequently during your day to notice where you are right in that moment. Slowing the pace for just a few minutes with a few deep breaths. You can do this easily in your car, office or I have even taken the time when going to the restroom. Open your hands and gently place them in your lap or on your knees, close your eyes, take a breath and feel just your hands, become aware of them and the energy that is in them. You might choose to do this before you start your car, or make the next phone call. Looking around you might find a tree outside to focus on, take a breath in and breathe out and really see the leaves, the branches. What colors are there? Are the leaves moving? Is there a bird in the tree? What sounds do you here? Doing this simple exercise helps to keep you connected to what is happening right now!
We all have peaks and valleys in our days. Learning to bring balance is so important to our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. To enjoy your life in this moment you have right now is where I am concentrating my focus each an every day. When I forget and go back to old habits, I gently bring myself to this new and more joyful way to embrace the life I have been given.
Blessings and Joy,

Saturday, September 5, 2015

The humbleness of service is something I am noticing and learning to cultivate more clearly in my life. Truly to be in a place of service the ego has to be tamed into the second position and the Heart promoted to First Chair. Being the cultivated, domesticated human being I am, this is not how I was taught to go through my life and succeed. Rather I was encouraged to learn vast amounts of knowledge, realize how to set goals and make sure I learn from my mistakes and don't make too many of them. Perfection was the encouraged model on my path. Not that knowledge, learning and success are the main problem. Who is the leader on this journey, the heart or the ego- mind.

The ego-mind wants to make sure I always get the prize! The heart is more willing to discover, enjoy and reach true understanding. Therefore when the heart is in the lead with an ego that has been tamed, service to all, including myself, can be realized.

How do you tame an ego? By shining the light of truth on our thoughts and beliefs. There are many ways. The Work of Byron Katie is a great tool, meditation, inquiry, sitting outside in nature observing and quieting the mind. We cannot stop the mind or kill the ego, rather it can be held lovingly by the quietness of truth and gently told a different way to approach life with investigation from the heart. Feeling and acknowledging our emotions from this different place allows new ways to embrace all the parts of us. When we truly love and embrace who we are, service is the natural consequence that follows.  We are all connected by Love, we just forget this truth, until we begin to remember. It is a process that takes patience, care and compassion for ourselves and the others in our lives.
The best part is the balance, expression and creativity that bloom like beautiful flowers from within,  as we find our way!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Expectations, we all have them. When I sign up for something, create an agreement with another person, I have in mind what I believe the outcome will be. When the result is different than my expectation, in the past I could have many different  feelings and reactions, especially when I had a strong desire for a particular outcome. Some of my reactions could be anger, great frustration, resentment, despair and many more. I have experienced my expectations in certain situations causing me a  great deal of distress. Until I learned a different way to enter into agreements and commitments.
I look at the reasons I am considering a next step, really feel out what my beliefs and desires are expecting from accepting and moving in a direction for myself. It is also worth looking at what you think the others involved are desiring and wanting out of this agreement. Once you have sat with these two, it is time to ask the others involved for their thoughts and desires around what you are both looking at. These desires and thoughts may surprise you or may be in line with what you were perceiving. The truth is you can never totally know what anyone is thinking and feeling unless you ask and listen. Even after you have done all of the looking and asking, once you begin this journey other factors and unknowns will invariably come into the equation. This is where being flexible, adaptable, resilient and open to other possibilities are tools to keep present at all times. My favorite mantra for myself is "Oh, I forgot, things always work out for me!" It takes a few breaths and moments of remembering, until I see a new pathway.
My journeys have taken me through many changes and shifts, when I least expected them! I challenge myself constantly to become resilient and adaptable. During one of those moments a song surfaced.  I was scheduled to sing at a two day workshop in Portland and the morning of the first day, slipped on the hardwood floor at the place I was staying and fell and broke my ankle.  Thus "Expectation Blues" was born, which is on my second album, Hold On Tight to Your Dreams. You can click on Songs and scroll down to hear it.
Blessings and Resilience to you,

Monday, August 31, 2015

We never know how deeply our life is felt by others, until we pass and then people write about how we touched their lives. This makes me want to tell people more often day to day how much I appreciate and how sweet life is because they are around. This thought has been more present since reading so many beautiful comments about Wayne Dyer after his sudden passing. I am encouraging myself and any of you to remember how lovely it feels to speak to the people in our lives about all the gifts they give us by just being there. Don't let the fast pace of this world get in the way of you taking a few moments to say what is in your heart to those you love.
Nothing can be sweeter if someone passes from our lives than to know we told them often how very important they are. I know letter writing is not a practice this modern world uses much anymore. However it truly is amazing when a card or letter comes with heartfelt words of thanks, appreciation or just noticing something and commenting on how it touched them. You can also find cards through email, there are some fabulous creative companies in cyberspace. Whatever we choose to use to express how someone makes a difference, it is wonderful to spread goodness and beauty to others!
Ours minds can get so stuck on the daily schedules we keep. The routines in our life are full of sameness and repetition, so we can easily forget to notice the beauty of sharing our days with real live people who we love and cherish. Sharing our gratitude with others in simple words, is a practice I am working on reminding  myself about often. Thank you Wayne for living a big life, full of gratitude and sharing, even in your passing you remind me to live right now and see the Love from the Source you talked so much about, in the people around me and to give generously of that Love wherever I am!!
Blessings and Love,

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sometimes we say things without thinking about what the words mean to ourselves and those who are receiving them. In moments of stress, when we are tired, confused, not clear about ourselves, thoughts and words can slip easily out of our mouths and send us into a place of regret, suffering and pain, so quickly. It is impossible to truly know another's reason for action or reaction. The only one we can truly know is our self. Each of us sees the world through our own lens.

Understanding myself is the beginning of making peace in my world. Seeing how I act and react to others and what consequences I create for myself is my work always. When the heart and mind work together in expression I move through my life with balance and compassion, even when chaos is swirling around me and wanting me to revert to my old patterns.  Carefully choosing my words and really seeing the person as I speak and share ideas.

 The impeccability of the words we use is so important when the goal is understanding and growth in any relationship. Often it is helpful to take a break or pause in an exchange when things get out of hand or heated. We sometimes need space and solitude to find our balance and remember the connection with our beloved partner, parent, child  or friend.  Taking space and stepping back for a moment can help open the heart and allow the mind to slow its resistance, stubbornness, frustration, or anger.  The heart feels compassion, understanding, empathy, and much more so it softens our reactions and helps us to remember who we are and what our real desire is. We become a different person when we stand in this heart place and see the situation from a different perspective.

Very often I hear clients say, "Why do I always have to do the work and change? Why don't they do it sometimes?"  I remember feeling that way so often, until I realized the truth. I was the one who wanted my life to move from a place of peace and joy. Therefore it is always my job to make this happen, no one else can even begin to do my work for me, just as I can't do theirs. When that became clear to me, I began to create a more peaceful, joyful life even in the midst of chaos. In gratefulness I do live MY life, choosing my words carefully and taking the time to give myself and others more space to be who they truly are.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Just returning from visiting with my family and Mom in Chicago, my feet are firmly planted once again on the ground back in Washington. This beautiful land is being challenged on the northeastern portion of our state with the biggest forest fires ever recorded. My thoughts are with all the people who are evacuating their homes, fighting to stop the movement of the fires and for those who are feeling so much at this time.
 Times like these bring out the best in humanity. When we have a common cause to focus on together, we really find the compassion and heart to see our connection to each other. My prayer is that in rebuilding after the devastation that we might remember more easily the deep connection to each other. May we be open to creating a new and connected community and heal ourselves as we work to help heal the land and the animals who are also searching for new homes and recovering.
Blessings and Healing Thoughts,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The awareness I see from the animals in my life and the animals in the wild I have encountered on my journeys, hiking, kayaking and sitting in the forest have helped me to see my senses have been dulled by separating from my connection to animals and the natural world. As I experience interacting and reconnecting I am surprised by the level of communication existing all around me for years that I was oblivious to! When I was a young child the presence and connection was there. I could sense it, feel it, and touch the magic as I played and wondered. Over the years my mind and brain learned many things, facts and grew knowledgeable in the ways of a worldly life. As this occurred I thought I was becoming wise, now I see, I was learning, yes, and also missing a major part on the path to the wisdom I was seeking.
The opening began when I realized how to quiet my being and notice the world around me from a different lens. Not the what is my next scheduled thing on the list lens, but rather the what am I seeing, noticing and feeling right now around me on my way to wherever I am going lens. The gifts I have received from pausing and noticing are so many. I walk into rooms differently, noticing people and truly sensing them and what they are engaged in as I enter. Even when out in a store I am so much more aware of the people and activities around me as I move. Being in nature feels so comfortable, sensing the colors, the textures, feelings and sounds around me without crashing through and disturbing the space. I recognize I am part of  everything around me, in every moment! This realization has been the most notable step on my journey to wisdom, and understanding this world I inhabit with humans and other species. I love that my eyes have been opened by connecting on a level I am beginning to realize has always been part of my birthright on this planet.

In Gratitude for being alive,

Listening! When I finally learned to really start listening in my life, conversations opened up and became easier. Deeply listening to another, without thinking of what I was going to say when they stop talking, brought another level to understanding and intimacy. I want to know the essence of what others are conveying to me. Learning to listen started when I began to find stillness and the quiet mind becoming a part of my daily routine. Listening to the sounds of the natural world, pausing and noticing what is around me as I walk outside in the morning, even if it is just to get the paper or water the flowers.
 Hearing the sound of the voices of the people in my life as they express their ideas, wants, beliefs and inspirations. My Dad has been gone for about four years and I can still hear his voice talking to me. What a treasure it would be to hear him again. I remember how in his last years, he would repeat things he had already told me. I would listen to them over and over, allowing him the space to talk even though I had heard it before. I learned to enjoy being with him, although my mind would tell me I had already heard whatever he was saying.  The words began to not matter, only the feeling of being with him and enjoying his company was present.
Beginning to listen to myself and what I was feeling and wanting in each moment was huge! I not only wasn't listening completely to others, but also missing the essence of what I was truly saying to myself. Communication needs words to create a forum and discovering that the level of connection increases one-hundred fold when deeply listening is the gift at the center of the art of conversation, creating intimacy from the mind and the heart.

Listen and Enjoy more,

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Being present in my life was something I had to grow into understanding and recognizing. The ways to respond were ingrained into my brain patterning and responses. I wanted to enjoy my life! Whenever things were going well I remember thinking underneath it all was an unease, like a waiting for something "not good" to happen. My Mom would say, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop!" And sure enough, that shoe would drop in some way. It was my conditioning that was looking for the happening. I don't believe I created the happening! I reacted to whatever was occurring in my life with a story of life being unable to hold on to joy and harmony when things happen.

 When I am present to each moment and not looking back regretting the past or forward worrying about the future, life unfolds in the moment. Yes there are feelings of sadness, joy, anger, grief to process and allow to move through my body and spirit. Working and looking at them and releasing them rather than stuffing or ignoring them, helps tremendously. Dropping into stories, reacting to drama, and believing our fears(false, evidence, appearing, real) keeps me from asking the questions and finding the truth within myself. 

There is no shoe to drop anymore, as I don't believe that old story. I live my life knowing that joy and harmony are mine, when I am present and open to doing my work and asking myself. How do I want to move through what is in front of me right now?   I find the truth and set myself  FREE, one more time. Allowing me to embrace others with the compassion and understanding I give to myself. It is my favorite way to live life!

With Gratitude and Questioning,

Friday, August 7, 2015

Is there someone in your life who is not responding the way you would like? It could be in your work place, home life or just a person you have a chance interaction with in your day. When this occurs our first thought or impulse might be to want the other person to get it and realize how they are impacting us. Right? They should be treating us differently, be responsive, be kind, have understanding. You might be shaking your head, Yes!!
 After many years of often reacting in this manner, I finally realized something so clearly. I asked myself what did I really want? What was I looking for? I wanted responsiveness, kindness and understanding. So I started first to give myself these things I wanted from others. It took some time and patience to take care of me first! Being Still with myself helped so much. In the stillness I found thoughts are not as fast, furious and critical. From Byron Katie, my favorite teacher, I have learned that thoughts come into our minds, they appear and we have a choice. They come and I can pick and choose the ones I want to connect with and the ones I can let go. When I am in my center, present and listening, suddenly other people have the space to follow or I realize maybe they will never follow and that is OK!  

Blessings and Stillness,

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I am so pleased to have a place for expressing heart centered thoughts and tools for living and thriving on life’s journey. For many years I struggled to find ways to move through challenges, surprises, and changes. I have been blessed to meet many great teachers along the way. The gifts I have gleaned from their teachings have served me greatly over the years. 

Here you will find tools that absolutely work for me and for so many of my clients and the inspiration to move through life with grace, laughter and compassion.

My hope is to create a place of love, understanding and joyful expression. Please type your ideas and responses.
I welcome your comments below.
